Wonderful Weekend

I unofficially took the weekend off. Actually, it was Sunday before I realized that my work e-mail was still open and I took a peek at it and went, "Huh, I guess I could have done some of this...ah well. It'll wait until Monday."

Saturday was pretty darn good! My mother and I went to the Mayor's First Annual Family Bike Ride at Riverside Park, which is a block away from my place. We rode 4 miles together in the 9:30 am bike ride. It felt fantastic!

Afterward, and after a quick bite to eat, we drove around for about 20 minutes trying to find this Victorian Applique Quilt Shop. Finally finding it, I was thrilled that I found a new place to find unique buttons. I found some Pirate buttons that are perfect for my Jolly Rocker bag. They were so inspiring, I spent the rest of the day finishing the bag. I ripped out the applied I-chord because I hated it and started crocheting around the edges, then working up two straps for it, knitted in seed stitch and finished with a crochet edging.

By the time I finished Saturday, I was too tired to felt it, but I got around to it yesterday. I'm still waiting for it to dry out a bit before I put it together. I'm still undecided about a lining for it, But I love the way the front pocket turned out.

I've also been knitting away at a few other projects, some socks and such. I really am in love with Colinette Jitterbug. After browsing some patterns on Ravelry for inspiration, I came across this one! I'm really thinking about casting that on soon...if I'm brave enough, but I really have to finish some other things first.