Knitting On

Certainly seems like my posts are few and far between.

I am still knitting. I have two social projects I've been working on. The Daybreak Shawl, which is in its middle stage, and a pair of skewed socks that I started, ripped out, then restarted.

However, Thursday, I finished up my Jolly Rocker Bag, pictures to come. I'm still trying to find suitable fabric for lining it so I can put some pockets on the inside as well, but overall, it came out pretty darn well. I also cast on a lacy baby sweater on Thursday, which I ended up ripping partway out since I didn't like how far down they wanted me to start the buttons. I was however, pleased to find out that I didn't have to rip it out completely and start over. I ripped out about 9 rows, picked up the stitches, and got started again. Go me!

This evening, I was able to get through the first repeat of the lace. I'm apprehensive to continue on it, because the sleeves look a bit confusing. EZ, your patterns are ingenious, but sometimes, straightforward clarification would be helpful. Oye.