Marathon Knitting Part one

This first paragraph should be full of every explicative that you could imagine. So go ahead. Take a moment to imagine a 5 foot 2, blond hair (well, mostly) yelling at her size 8 Lantern Moon Needles, tossing them along with her Berroco Comfort into one of the Knit Witch's beautiful yarn bowls and stashing it on top of the mantle in a furious huff.

Also imagine this happened between 10pm and 1am from Saturday into Sunday this weekend.

Got that picture?

Here's how we got there. Wasn't all bad, mind you.

The baby blanket is mostly finished. I've got a crochet hook and some knowledge of how to do the edging, but I'm still slightly shaky to try it out. If Jen's around tomorrow, I might ask her to make a trip over to walk me through the start of it, so what I learned Saturday will hopefully come back to me.

That only took a few hours. It was a marathon knitting and movie night. (Up is delightful by the way.)

That's when I started project 2, the first time. I cast on for another baby surprise jacket to match the blanket. I got going after a second cast on...then missed the second half the the increases...tinked back...did the increases...realized that something had gone horribly wrong and somehow, one cuff side had about 15 more stitches than the other.

Commence Ripping and above outburst number one.

Took a slight break to cool down, then tried again. About this time, it's late enough that Geoff got home, (After 1 am.) I'm casting on, happy as can be...then 10 stitches from the end of the cast on, I realize my tail for the long tail cast on is not long enough.

Commence outburst number two and the next rip out.

So, when I finally had my head back, because by now, I'm so upset that my on a roll knitting streak of the day has been foiled by this blasted sweater, I took about three yards of yarn for a tail to ensure that I'd get all 160 stitches cast on with a bloody tail to spare, knitted one row, and put the damn thing down so I cannot screw it up again at 3 in the morning.

15 minutes later, I rushed back down stairs to put the yarn bowl full of my needles, cast on stitches, and yarn up on the mantle because I was worried Winter would pull another "Ooo! Something to snack on" and eat my hard work.

No pictures today, but soon. I'm going to knit a bit more before bed now, and most probably definitely the majority of the day tomorrow, in hopes that the sweater will have a sizable amount accomplished.

Cross your fingers. I'm gonna need all the help I can get!