2 Inches = an Eternity

I've been on a knitting kick lately. Like, going full out. I told myself Thursday, I need to update Knit and That. Well, since I had started the other side panel for the baby wrap I'm working on, I thought, you know, I'll update when I'm done with that.

Well, I finished that Friday, at Midnight. Then I decided to cast on the sleeve. Then I had the most genius idea of, What if I could update with the sleeve finished? Ooo! So, I started working.

Did my workout on Saturday, rode 8 miles with my mom on bikes along the river, then knitting some more at a coffee shop while listening to a friend's band, Elliot Road.

Some friends came over Sunday night, and I sat knitting while they talked computers, but after all the increases, I was 2 1/2 inches away from the bind off. So I worked some more. Two inches to go!


I spent all last night knitting on those two freaking inches and by the time I finished, it was one in the morning. It took over two hours for two inches! (Not pleased at all.)

However, the results are gorgeous!

But, I've ran into another problem. I don't think I have enough left for the other sleeve, and I can't really go out and buy another skein of Katia Bombay right now. Le sigh. Guess I have to work on something else right now until next month when I can afford to buy more yarn.

Oye. Ah well. There's plenty more to knit.