Why Hallo Thar!
My poor neglected blog. I wish I had tons and tons of finished objects to show off. Instead, I have lots of works in progress that I'm having a bit too much fun with.
Baby stuff.
Not me. No no. I'm getting married. That'll come down the road. A ways...WAYS down the road. Instead, seems like everyone I know I is expecting or just welcomed a new addition to the family. Me? I'm happy that my new boy to the household went through his first set of training and graduated. We actually start Intermediate classes this Monday. Very excited to go back and be working with him more. If I haven't posted about him before, this is Winter, myself and the eventual husband at graduation. (Geoff's head kind of got chopped...but I still like this photo.)
So, on to knitting.
The biggest surprise is the Bella Baby Ensemble I'm working on. I keep calling it a Kimono. Well, it looks like one! Just...with longer sleeves. Anyways, you can knit this up with sock yarn. The yarn I picked out, I just loved the colors, and now, I canno
t stop knitting with it. It's a cotton, but I swear it feels like satin. We've been keeping a count-up on Facebook of how many inches it's growing. As you can see from the pictures, I've completed the back and I'm working on one of the sides for the front. It's actually about halfway finished. (Can't...put it...down!) Not bad for off and on knitting in the past week.
Another gift I'm working on is a 6 strip carriage blanket. This stripe needs one more square and then it's on to the next one. It actually knits up much faster than I thought. (Looks like I'm getting in over my head, doesn't it?)
This lovely stash you see before you is for the soon to be baby things on the needles. One Baby Surprise Jacket, one February Lacy Baby Sweater, and a teddy bear. I'm sure you can guess the bear yarn, but we'll see how the other two knit up.
And eventually, I'll make myself a little baby sweater in this. I fell in love with this colorway. Figured I might as well knit myself one and stick it in the cedar chest for if and when I have a little one running around. Who knows. Maybe my sister will beat me and it'll be going to her. The family is certainly hoping!
I'm still happy with my kids, even if they are furry. (Bailey seems to be missing from my photos. Little black monster won't stay still!) Until next time!
Big congrats on your engagement!
But just a word of advice from someone who has been there, done that - the furry kids are soooo much easier than the 2 legged ones. The furry ones dont talk back and no one tries to arrest you if you lock them in a crate when you leave the house.
Darcie, that's what I keep telling Geoff! I won't be ready to be a mom until I can deal with them and not just toss them in the crate when I've had enough. :D
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