Reappearing Act

Well hi there! I bet you've been wondering where I've been the last few months. Things have been a tad busy.

Event number one was my band, No Alibi, performing their first gig. Lots of fun. Kind of scary since two of us, myself being one of them, came down with a horribly nasty case of the flu just a mere three days before the event. In any case, the months of September and October were filled with Photo Shoots, recording, and lots of extra practices. You can sample a bit of our music here. The picture you see to the right there is Steve, our rhythm guitarist on the left, myself in the middle, and Geoff, Lead guitarist and vocals of our group. We'll have to do another shoot soon to get our bassist and drummer inducted into the photos!

Right after that, my company has been hit with an abundance of work. No rest for the VP it seems. To top it off, by the end of the month, if everything goes well, I should be a home owner. Hoping that everything keeps moving in the way it is, and I'll have my first home. Needs a little bit of work, and it's only half of a duplex, but the area and it's charm makes it worthwhile!

In all of that, I've decided to place all my projects on the back burner as I knit up a baby blanket for my boyfriend's nephew. While I'm having a blast with it and think it'll look absolutely smart and stunning, I've received a bit of criticism for the color choices. Keep in mind, Kingston is over 5 months old, so I think we're past the Baby Blue only phase. In any case, I hope mama and baby will enjoy it. The pattern is from Brooklyn Tweed. You can view it here. And here is a picture of my work so far and the contrasting color. I'm officially over halfway done with the blanket square.

Hopefully, I'll be able to post a bit more before the closing, but things might still be crazy hectic until the house is closed and I'm fully moved. In any case, here's hoping!