Oh yes. Oh yes! OH YES!

I can't resist wearing them around tonight, but I'll quickly plop them on my sock blockers for an overnight victory block party here. That's right. I finished the socks! Not too shabby either. Finished the first one on Saturday and here it is, Tuesday night and I completed the other one.

The yarn is Colinette Jitterbug that I picked up from Twist. Just a simple stockinette pattern, but they look crazy and feel wonderfully comfortable. TAKE THAT YOU HORRIBLE SOCK YARN BREAKING MY NEEDLES!

Actually, I think I'll take Darcie's a way. I'll probably pick up some Kollage square DPN's and finish out those other socks...eventually. But this way, the gauge will be the same instead of trying to match it up to a HiyaHiya Circular or something.

I have plans. Oh yes. More plans coming soon. I'll probably cast on my Dad's Father's Day socks sometime this week. Horrible late, I know, but hey, at least I'm getting quicker at knitting this stuff up, right?

Knit on!


Darcie said...

The Father's Day socks are either horribly late or incredibly early. I would go with early.

The socks look great! I have never tried the Jitterbug yarns, but they are on my list.

Ash said...

Really...really late. Due to being really busy. /Blush