
I promise this isn't becoming a monthly updated blog. I'll get better I'm sure. Things around here have been...complicated to say the lease and nicest thing about it.

Knitting wise. Well. *grumble*

Remember how I broke my sock needles? Well, I replaced them. Went home, switched them out and knit a few rows then called it a night.

The next morning, the cable was in three sections. Thanks to my lovely Sey, who is still playing innocent. That's right. My alpaca fiber eating calico cat chewed on the cable and put it in to several sections. So, I went back to Twist and picked up another set of Kollage size two needles. I also ordered a sock bag so I have a place to stash my sock since it's not safe from the ferocious feline in my apartment.

The next day, I went back to Twist...promptly was questioned if the cat had broken my second pair of sock needles. Nope. I had the brilliant idea the night before to knit up another bag. Remember the one I made my mother for Yule? Yup. Making one for myself to use for knitting. Some jet heather, onyx and hot pink later...it's almost complete too! It needs an I-Cord edging on each side, and maybe another pocket inside, if I don't find some hot pink jolly roger looking fabric to line it. I'm undecided about that. Then on to felting! I think it's delightfully fun, but that's just me. Anyways, here's a nice picture of it.

So, that's been the past month. Fast forward to a week ago. Remember what number of Sock Needles, size two I'm on? I've currently found the second pair broken and bought a third set. I go to Stitch and Bitch at Twist a week ago this past Thursday. Sit down, think about doing the I-Cord edging on my bag and go for the socks.

I find that my cat not only killed my second pair of needles, she bit through the sock yarn. No big deal right?

Put the new needles on. Get them backwards. I have one needle going one way, the other going the other way and not matching up. Jennie, lovely lovely Jennie, sets me straight again because by now, I'm just flat out frazzled. (Did I mention I had given up caffeine that day? Hence very frazzled.)

So once I get the needles fixed, the yarn is successfully rejoined...and pop. The cable breaks. Yup. That's right. Third pair...broken. This time, at the famous join. So what do I do?

I do what any sane women, or mostly sane women does...I went and got a Coke and put all my knitting away and promptly decided it was time for Asian food.

Yup. After being thoroughly irritated with that sock, which is sad, because the pattern looks amazing...I decided to blame the yarn. Yup. That's right. I am convinced that I am not meant to knit that yarn. It is the first sock yarn I ever purchased and I've never had any luck completing a sock with it, and I've tried three times now.

So, into the bag it went...and I called Jennie to borrow a set of 3's with a long enough cable, and started another sock. A week later, I'm happy to report that it looks like this. And let's face it, who cannot be picked up and made to smile with brilliant, bright colors like that? I think I'll probably finish this one or get darn close tonight.

Knit on!


Darcie said...

It is not the yarn giving you a message. It is the needles. And they are saying "
Dpn's, dpn's." :) And that sweet kitty is too darn cute to do anything bad.

Ash said...

I've tried DPN's so many times...and I just can't do it. For a glove, no problem. Socks? They end up on the floor in frustration. Magic loop seems to be the only way I get consistent gauge.

And Sey has definitely got you fooled!