Nerdy Knitting

So, Tuesday night...rather, Wednesday morning at 12:01 am, Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince hits theatres.

We already know that I've knitted up two Gryfindor House Scarves for some friends last year. Using the spare yarn, I ended up making a Gryfindor mitt before I started Brandon's scarf. I told myself, "When you're done, make the other mitt out of the spare yarn!"

Then I started the Harry Potter Gryfindor bag with the spare yarn...neglecting that one knuck.

So somewhere, in one of my knitting bags, was a lowly maroon and gold knuck, waiting for a mate since sometime in October of '08.

As things around here have been crazy, and I have no desire to elaborate on that...nothing has really gotten done. My lovely shawl is sitting in my bag waiting for 12 more rows before I start the lace border, and my sock is about 3 inches from the toes...

And then yesterday, I remember the knuck. As I'll probably be geeking it out in line all day waiting for Harry Potter, and most likely knitting on my socks...I thought "I must finish this knuck!"

Grabbed the spare yarn, and two hours later, they are a pair! At last!!! While trying them on, I earned the remark "You're gonna be a Seeker?!" from my boyfriend's roommate.

Well, I suppose I could. I think I'd rather be a beater...but that's neither here nor there.

I also got the crazy notion, as I still have two skiens left of the Gryfindor Colors, to go ahead and start another scarf, most likely for me.

I started plotting what I could do with my Gryfindor wear after Tuesday night...and have decided that I most likely will sport it over in Scotland. Yup. Reread that. I'm in the starting process of plotting a trip to Scotland. As long as I don't get the bright idea to make another set of mitts and scarves out of something very snuggle worthy like Alpaca, I figure I can sport my scarf and knucks while checking out a few yarn shops, maybe some castles, or while horseback riding over there. Still up in there air, but it looks very doable at the moment. I can't wait!

Knit on folks, Knit on!