Knit the Night away

Been trying to knit my worries away. It's going mostly okay I think.

Knitted up my punk hat during the Lawrence trip. Ended up ripping it out on the way up there since I made it too small. So, bigger needles (100 cast on, on size 9 this time) and I went to town. Ended up getting all the way to the decreases on Friday night. Put it down to have fun during the weekend, then finished it on the way home on Sunday. Ta da! I love it.

Last Friday, I got in a "I NEED TO KNIT NOW!" mood. So, with the most wonderful support of my boss, he bought me the pattern for the Vest "Urbanity." I'm using the Berroco Vintage in my stash to go to town on it. Sadly, I didn't get it cast on until Sunday, but not too shabby for the progress I've made so far, right?

I have about 8 more inches to go before I start working on the front panels. It's actually knitting up pretty quick. Yeah for monotonous Stockinette! It's great for watching movies and when I don't really want to think about anything. It's amazing how fast it goes when you shut your mind off.


Lanora said...

I too love knitting to save myself!